Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Quarbit helps the companies to manage cybersecurity risk. Quarbit's integrated risk platform offers security analysis of assets exposed to the internet through our controls. Our analysis simplify the actions to be taken by the companies to mitigate the risk of their assets. The security is our top priority, providing a complete and comprehensive vision of the real risk status to the companies.

Quarbit is the right choice for cyber risk rating services due to our long experience in the world of cybersecurity. We offer comprehensive analysis of assets exposed by a company to the internet. Our controls allow us to have a real and complete visibility to prevent any security deficiency that could expose assets to the internet at risk.

Quarbit uses non-intrusive assessments to scan and analyze the potential cybersecurity risk of assets exposed by a business to the Internet. Our controls consists of analyzing the exposed information and published by any of these assets, without the need to execute intrusive actions that may affect the assets of the companies. For this reason, it is not necessary to execute or install anything since the information is public through different routing .

The technological environments within an organization are continuosly changing so it is necessary to have visibility to prevent cybersecurity risks that technological assets may present in real time. Through continuous monitoring, it allows the detection of weak or poorly designed or implemented controls to be corrected in time, thus improving the operational risk profile of the organization.

Quarbit security ratings are easy-to-understand ratings, represented on a scale of 1 to 100, that analyze an organizations cyber risk from all assets exposed to the Internet. Our ratings offer real visibility and shows the risk of suffering a cybersecurity attack that you are exposed to with each of your assets and configurations. Security ratings make it possible for organizations to easily gain visibility into their cybersecurity vulnerabilities, providing continuous monitoring of their assets..

The methodology is a key and essential factor to be able to offer the best results, at Quarbit we rely on: OWASP based on good security practices that cover the web part and the mobile part. The NIST Cybersecurity Framework. OSINT compiled from publicly accessible sources such as: Google, Facebook, Tumblr and other media. In addition, the Quarbit engine uses custom and advanced rules used by bug bounties to detect business vulnerabilities and report them thanks to our experience. At Quarbit we collect all information through our analytic engines and controls into a simple and understandable report with scores from 1 to 100 that shows the steps to follow for each detection to help identify and mitigate potential security risks.

The purpose of the scans and safety ratings of each of the different performed analysis is to provide a report with all the detailed information on how the detected deficiency should be fixed or improved so that the next scan has improved or no longer appears as a deficiency.